Monday, September 20, 2010

"Simply Strawberries" wins a 3rd Place Ribbon at PNQE

Yummy strawberries lured the judges into awarding this quilt a 3rd place ribbon at the Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza (aka PNQE). The best part about these strawberries is that they will never spoil when left unattended! Ha!

Unfortunately, I missed viewing the show this year as I was busy hand-dyeing fabric over the weekend. I'll be seling this fabric online and will provide a link in the coming days. First I need to wash, iron, photograph, and upload images to this site, or a link to this site. More on that soon.

Detail of Colossal Caladiums showing applique and stitching of veins.
Still Impressing the Judges

Colossal Caladiums was recently awarded a 1st place prize at the Lowell Quilt Festival in Lowell, Massachusetts. This quilt has earned a number of prizes and it remains one of my favs. Below is a detail of the stitching and machine quilting.

The veins are all appliqued onto the quilt using a satin stitch. Also the veins are outlined in many cases, using metallic thread.

The photo, however, does not do justice to the quilt. Try as I might I have been unable to get a really good shot of this quilt. I do believe a new camera is in my future.

Here's the detail of the quilt.