Thursday, September 11, 2008

I had two quilts juried into AQS show in Des Moines, Iowa. I'll be sending them off Monday. More frequent flyer miles for my quilts!

Colossal Caladiums (above) and Susan (below).

Sunday, September 07, 2008

I had an idea about making a quilt of squash blossoms. Naturally they would be yellow and to show imact, I selected a black background.

The squash blossoms started out large, I mean REALLY large. The first mockups were over 12 inches each. I asked my husband what he thought of the mockup, and he replied that the "yellow things" were a little on the large size. So I stepped away from the project for a day or two and decided to scale the blossoms back quite a bit. The final size of each section of the blossom is about 8 inches.

Next I needed fabric for the elongated leaves and remembered a few years before I purchased this fabulous print fabric from a local quilt shop. It had all the colors that usually speak to me: yellow, red, and green. What more could this girl want!

This is how I used the fabric...

There wasn't much room for experimentation or error as I only had one scant yard of the fabric. So as Project Runway's Tim Gunn would say, I made it work.

To be continued...